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Revised edition (first 1585) of an interesting pamphlet defending Paracelsian medicine.


Bovio was a noble Veronese medical practitioner, alchemist, astrologist, supporter of Paracelsian theories, and, according to some of his contemporaries, an impostor.


In 1583 Bovio had published Flagello de’ Medici Rationali, a scathing pamphlet attacking learned medicine. The physician Donzellini (under the pseudonym of "Claudio Gelli") published a reaction titled Riposta ad un certo libro contra medici rationali (1584), calling Bovio an impostor. In the present work Bovio replies to Donzellini and defends his own Flagello.


Bovio's books were reprinted several times throughout the 17th century, testament to the popularity of the alchemical Paracelsian tradition.

Paracelsian versus Galenic medicine

€ 950,00Prijs
  • Zefiriele Tommaso BovioMelampigo overo confusione de medici sofisti, che s'intitolano rationali, et del Dottor Claudio Geli, & suoi complici nuoui passali, & achemoni: Di Zefiriele Thomaso Bouio Nobile patricio Veronese nuouo Melampigo. Di nuouo revisto, corretto, & dal proprio Auttore ampliato.


    Verona, Appresso Francesco dalle Donne, 1595. 

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