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Dutch edition of an account of the loss of SS President, translated from the German.


SS President was the largest passenger ship afloat when she was built in 1840. She sailed from New York to Liverpool in March 1841 with 136 passengers and crew. However, between Nantucket Shoals and Georges Bank she encountered a strong gale and disappeared; all crew and passengers perished. The disaster dominated the news for months; Queen Victoria is said to have closely followed the story.

Surprisingly, in 1842 Hamburg publisher Berendsohn issued an eyewitness account of the disaster. According to the title-page, this narrative was a German translation of an English account by one of the ship's passengers, Methodist clergyman George Grimston Cookman (1800– 1841). Cookman's account was allegedly found in a bottle near New Foundland. But this account appears to be a complete fabrication, published to capitalize on the public fascination with the disaster. The present Dutch edition is a translation of the German edition.

Message in a bottle: eyewitness account of the loss of SS President (1841)

€ 500,00Prijs
  • George Grimston Cookman. Het vergaan der stoomboot de President. Naar het dagboek van eenen, met dit stoomschip verongelukten, geestelijke. Gevonden in eene flesch, aan de kust van Kaap Breton, omstreeks New-Foundland. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald.


    Amsterdam, H.M. de Charro, [1842].

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