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French educational work focusing on the education of a doll, published in Amsterdam.


Doll storybooks were a very popular educational tool in 19th century French culture. In this case the doll sets an example, in 30 lessons, of virtuous, Christian behaviour as was expected from children, or rather girls.


The work is surprisingly rare: WorldCat lists two copies only (in The Hague, National Library; and Amsterdam, University Library). An edition without plates for use in schools was available for f. 0,40 (less than half the price of this edition).

Education of a doll, with 5 plates in original printed boards

€ 475,00Prijs
  • L'Éducation de la Poupée ou petites leçons d'une mère a sa fille. Amsterdam, C. Schaares, [1828]. 

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