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Second and best edition of an influential mathematical textbook, edited and greatly expanded by Johann Hermann Knoop.


In no fewer than 740 pages the authors discuss a wide variety of mathematical topics, ranging from geometry, arithmetic and stereometry to surveying, map making, fortification, building dykes and ramparts, as well as wine gauging.


The first edition was published in 1703. For this second edition Knoop added many chapters, producing, in fact, a new work. Knoop was a prolific author, probably best remembered for his Pomologia. He had a keen interest in landscape architecture and designed several gardens for Stadholder Willem Carel Hendrik Friso, to whom this textbook is dedicated. However, Knoop's excessive drinking led to his dismissal in ca. 1749.

Mathematical textbook with chapters on map making, fortification, building dykes

€ 475,00Prijs
  • Johannes Morgenster & Johann Hermann Knoop.

    Werkdadige meetkonst, tonende klaar en beknopt, hoe dat al 't gene een ingenieur en landmeter te meten voorvallen kan, wiskonstig met en zonder hoekmeting, door de minste moeite gemeten word.

    Leeuwarden, Abraham Ferwerda, 1744.

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